ReactNative is a framework that Mark Zuckerberg’s company has developed, and it will soon become an indispensable help to the user when he needs to create an application for an Android or iOS platform. Those users who have interacted with React Javascript before will see that this is the next framework that Facebook’s programmers have created. Therefore, they understand how ReactNative works. If any of them do not understand the basis of its functioning, we will explain to you that the developers created their React Javascript to simplify the development of such elements as declarative user interfaces.
Value of ReactNative
In the modern world, coders of Java Script can choose one of many different frameworks, which greatly simplify the development of mobile applications. You just need to remember such popular and convenient frameworks as Titanium and Phone Gap. You’ll probably be curious to know why ReactNative is valuable for your attention. Why is it so appealing to some frameworks of programmers and why is it used as an initial step in this process?
First of all, you should remember that ReactNative is a development of Facebook, where programmers are highly qualified specialists. However, if we ignore this issue and focus on more objective facts, we will see a whole set of reasons to choose exactly ReactNative:
- When comparing ReactNative’s framework and Phone Gap, the difference is that ReactNative includes a general logical part of the application that will be compatible with Java Script. Nevertheless, the application interface will remain fully native. That is, users will not feel the need to look for any compromise options they have to look for when interacting with UI HTML5.
- If we compare ReactNative with Titanium, then the first one will have the advantage of an original and very efficient approach to the development of user interfaces. Simply put, the UI in the app will be expressed as a function of the current state.

The main strong feature of ReactNative is that the Facebook social network programmers who created it always seek to integrate this React model of coding into the mobile device application development sector. You have to understand that to get some kind of versatile and cross-platform tool that will help developers create software without repetition, to use this in all developments, as a universal platform is not the much important thing in the programming of this field. In the meantime, it will be convenient for you to develop mobile applications for both Android and iOS by custom creating them or releasing them on apk download site. Those sites on which you can download an APK app have a high level of popularity today, that is, the Play Market and App Store apps include in their assortment many good and useful software.
Comparison of ReactNative with other frameworks
If a mobile software programmer has a high level of application development skills on the basis of Swift or even Objective-C, then he will not be happy to go to Java Script. However, the second version is a tool that will be more useful and effective for those developers who use Swift.
Although the use of Swift requires the coder to learn many fresh and fascinating methods of reliable algorithm encryption, it must also investigate methods that will help it to achieve program immutability simultaneously with its transformation. However, the UI construction method is similar to that used by programmers when interacting with Objective-C. That is, it shares features with Objective-C and uses mandatory norms and a basis in the form of UIKit.
As for React, they use terms such as harmonization and VirtualDOM, and many users do not understand them, however, it helps modern developments to bring functional programming to the level of the user interface.